Alfa Laval Ltd

7 Doman Road
7 Doman Road
GU15 3DN

In the district heating industry Alfa Laval is supplying heat transfer solutions for energy generation and for substations connecting buildings to the distribution network. Low return temperature increases the efficiency of the total district heating system and should always be the main target for any grid operator. Alfa Laval’s energy efficient plate heat exchangers can support all district heating processes, reducing carbon emissions and demand for primary energy at the same time. Alfa Laval has a wide range of special heat exchangers developed for the HVAC market and we have been working actively with the district energy sector for more than 70 years. Heat exchanger have played a vital role in district heating systems from the start of generation 1 technology and the importance of their functionality are increasing for the new generations of district heating, district heating generation 4 and generation 5. Together with consultants, system builders, energy companies and our partners we are driving the transformation of the energy landscape. We are proud to be change agents in this energy transition.

Key information

Location And Reach

Alfa Laval Ltd covers the whole of the UK & Ireland


  • Installation, Operation and Maintenance
  • Equipment Suppliers

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Alfa Laval Ltd hold ISO9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 accreditations. We also have ConCom, FPAL, Safe Contractor, Achilles UVDB