Hull City Council Seeks Contractor for Phase 1 of Hull District Heat Network

Key information

Urgency: Low (within 48 hours)
Company Name: Hull City Council
Contact Name: Cameron OMara
Contact Email:
Telephone: 07774222066
Expires: 15/11/2024


Hull City Council is seeking a Design, Build, Operate and Maintain contractor to help deliver the next stage of Hull District Heat Network (HDHN). The successful tender will deliver Phase 1 of HDHN which will involve providing heat and hot water to more than 40 buildings in Hull city centre. This will include a variety of council buildings, as well as other public and private sector organisations around the city. Prospective contractors can find out more information and register their interest on YORtender using the web address below, with the reference number 90247 and must do so by 12 noon on Friday 15 November.


  • DBOM

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