Looking to share our District Heating expertise

Key information

Urgency: Low (within 48 hours)
Company Name: Pulsener UK
Contact Name: Benoit Laflamme
Contact Email: expertiselaflamme@gmail.com
Telephone: 07476421656
Expires: 31/03/2025


We are experts in district heating with loads of experience acquired in France and we are looking to support the development of this industry in the UK. I’m acting as an Adviser for Pulsener and over the 6 years I have been in the UK, I have observed all the efforts deployed to get closer to Net Zero. The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is clearly driving a shift to reach 20% of heat being produced through heat networks. The challenge is that many stakeholders may not be educated buyers in this sector. We are eager to help by acting as independent advisors and guide decisions. We have worked on more than 20 district heating projects, including Paris (5TWh), Bordeaux (150GWh) and Lyon (140GWh) and acquired deep expertise that allow us to design efficient solutions, assess projects and challenge costs. By working together, we can transfer our knowledge. We would like to meet to discuss your strategy as it relates to heat networks and assess how we can collaborate. We’re here to help and make you feel confident in your decision-making.


  • Consultancy

Heat Network Exchange Disclaimer

By using this catalogue, you should know that any commercial arrangements you make with suppliers are your own responsibility. The organisations involved in creating this tool bear no responsibility for the arrangements you make by using this tool. If you are unsure what this means or have any concerns, you will need to seek your own legal advice.

This catalogue aims to help organisations to find other organisations who may offer what they cannot source via their existing supplier networks.

No assurance of the suppliers has been carried out. You will need to complete your own assurances and due diligence checks before entering into commercial agreements at your own risk.