Plymouth Heat Network

Key information

Urgency: Low (within 48 hours)
Company Name: Plymouth City Council
Contact Name: Jon Selman
Contact Email:
Telephone: 01752307814
Expires: 31/03/2025


Plymouth City Council (PCC) has been creating the conditions for the roll out of heat networks for many years, including through strong planning policies, securing future-proofed developments, and development of catalyst schemes. Plymouth was selected by the Department of Energy Security & Net Zero (DESNZ) as part of the Heat Network Zoning Pilot Programme (28 cities). This pilot has identified two preliminary zones, located in the Southern Waterfront and Derriford areas. Plymouth was subsequently shortlisted by DESNZ through its Advanced Zoning Programme (AZP), along with 18 other cities. Plymouth AZP studies show a deliverable scheme in west and south of City with capital value of approximately £300m, and also at Derriford (an additional £50m). The southern area is based principally around two large waste heat sources; the South West Water Central Plant, and the Devonport Energy from Waste plant. At Derriford the scheme is focused around expanding the existing ground source scheme at Plymouth Marjon University, together with waste heat from the NHS medical waste incinerator to provide heating and cooling across this area. Annual carbon savings with significant build out for both zones have been estimated to be 31,000tCO2, which represents over 3% of the current city emissions. On 9th September 2024, PCC Cabinet endorsed an approach to delivery, to procure a development partner to bring in the necessary investment (over and above any grant funding secured), deliver, operate and expand zonal scale heat network. Final business case approval is anticipated in November 2024 with a procurement launch & Green Heat Network Fund application early in 2025. Further details of the Cabinet decision can be found here: Decision - Heat Networks Delivery Approach - Modern Council ( Further details and decisions will be notified when available.


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