The home for all key information about the heat networks market in the UK, including latest government publications, statistics and information.

Heat networks form an important part of the UK Government’s plan to reduce carbon and cut heating bills for customers. Through the Heat Network Transformation Programme the UK Government is working with industry and local authorities – and investing over half a billion pounds – to develop new heat networks and improve existing ones.

The information and resources have been divided up into four different sections to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
Feasibility and detailed project development
The Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU) provide grant funding and guidance through the early stages of project development.
Commercialisation and construction
The Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) is a capital grant fund that supports the development of low carbon heat networks by public, private, or third sector organisations in England.
Improvements to efficiency
The Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) provides grant funding to support performance improvements to existing / operational district heating and communal heating projects.
Finance and investment
BHIVE is a dynamic purchasing system for public sector heat network owners and developers to procure funding and funding-related services.
Energy Security Bill
The Energy Security Bill, now known as the Energy Bill, was introduced to Parliament on 6 July 2022 to deliver a cleaner, more affordable, and more secure energy system. It contains measures to introduce heat network zoning and heat networks regulation.
Heat network zoning
Zoning will designate areas where heat networks can provide the lowest cost, low carbon heating and fundamentally transform the development of new heat networks in towns and cities across England
Consumer protection consultation
This consultation seeks views on consumer protection requirements around pricing, quality of service, transparency of information, consumers in vulnerable circumstance and the scope of the rules and how they should be phased in. It is open until 27 October.
Metering and Billing
The metering and billing regulations aim to drive energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions from heating. Under the Regulations, heat network operators must submit notifications for the heat networks they operate and, where required, install metering devices.
Pipeline publications
The heat networks pipelines provide an overview of planning, projects and procurement supported by the Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU), the Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP).
Developer and supply chain guidance
The UK Government has published a repository of guidance documents that are designed to provide heat network developers, and those involved in the heat network supply chain including technical, financial and legal advisers, with a firm grounding in the sector.
Heat networks optimisation
This series of guidance notes and videos sets out practical steps that heat network operators can take to improve the performance of their systems.
The videos were created with the assistance of Fairheat and Anthesis.
Further information
The heat networks collection on contains extensive resources to assist project sponsors and their supply chain partners when planning and developing heat network projects.