Workforce survey highlights sector employment and skills gaps

In 2022, the Heat Networks Industry Council conducted a workforce survey to better understand the demographics and skills within the sector. The workforce survey collected information on the make-up of the heat networks industry workforce, skills and training gaps as well as Diversity and Inclusion statistics, strategies and commitments. The survey received a total of 17 responses providing details on 1,285 employees.
Due to its relatively small sample size and the partial completeness of certain sections, there are limitations to the insights this first survey can provide. Response data on the wider set of D&I characteristics was very low giving no clear insight into the industry mix for characteristics such as: LGBTQIA+, nationality, ethnicity, disability, salary range, work location,
employment status, business function and job family.
However, the survey did provide some valuable insights including:
- Two thirds of the workforce were involved in capital projects
- 19% of the workforce reported as female.
- 59% of the roles were classified as being highly skilled
Further information about the survey is available in this summary report and the Council hopes to repeat the survey in 2024.